Archives of Contemporary India

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File No. 1 - Notes on Botany
Notes on Botany
Kew Archives, British Museum and Library
Notes on Botany relating to information on large variety of plants, local flora and investigation of natural history of the India. Also includes bibliographical notes on available sources.
A.P. Hove; Buchanan; Botanical Garden; Ho+H2me Public Department; Barrackpore; Hooker's Flora Indica; Majumdar, G.P./Girjaprasanna, Vanaspati; Plants; Indian Treatises; Agriculture; Upavana Vinoda; James Anderson; R. Kyd; R. Scoll; Major General Hardwick; Indian Natural History; W.R. Dawson; L. Davis; W. Smith; B.M. Banks; L.A. Gilbert; Cannon Garland; Oriental Jones; W. Roxburgh; roger de Candole; N. Wallich; Horticulture; Victor Jacquemont; Sir Alexander Johnston; C.R. Markham; W.J. Hooker; Robert Peel; Bengal Government Records;
73 pp.
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