The file contains monthly bulletins of the International Press Institute, IPI Report (Vol. 3, no. 3; Vol. 6, no. 8; Vol. 8, no. 7) and a note on freedom of Press and censorship
International Press Institute; IPI Report; Press and censorship
Material related to Wage Board for journalists and non-journalist staff of newspaper establishments. The file contains related correspondence and press notes; and copies of Gazette notifications of Prize Competitions Act (1955), Working Journalists Act (1955), the Press and Registration of Books Act (1955), the Proceedings of Legislatures (Protection of Publication) Bill (1956), and the Newspaper Act (1956). Includes, drafts of proposals and recommendations of the Wage Board for working journalists and non-journalist newspaper employees
Wage Board; Journalists; Gazette notifications; Prize Competitions Act 1955; Working Journalists Act 1955; Press and Registration of Books Act 1955; Protection of Publication Bill 1956; Newspaper Act 1956
Papers related to journalists’ union strike in The Hindu, Madras. The file contains the constitution of The Madras Union of Journalists, a booklet titled Facts about the Strike in The Hindu, and statements of events relating to the strike in The Hindu, Madras. Includes, a note about circulation of newspapers, and papers presented at the Indian Federation of Working Journalists seminar on press monopoly
Journalists’ union strike; The Hindu; Constitution; The Madras Union of Journalists; Indian Federation of Working Journalists; Press monopoly
Material regarding reorganization of the press. Includes, a memorandum from the Press Association, resolution of PTI regarding merging of four news agencies into a single news agency and a booklet titled Guidance for the Press in the Present Emergency (1963) issued by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, GOI. Also, includes draft of The Press Council (Repeal) Ordinance, 1975, The Parliamentary Proceedings (Protection of Publication) Repealing Ordinance, 1975, The Parliamentary Proceedings (Protection of Publication) Act, 1956 and the Prevention of Publication of Objectionable Matter Ordinance, 1975. Additionally, the file has Vidya Charan Shukla’s statements in Lok Sabha on the restructuring of news agencies and a short note titled ‘Government and the Press’
Reorganization; Press; Press Association; PTI ; Guidance for the Press in the Present Emergency (1963); The Press Council (Repeal) Ordinance,1975; The Parliamentary Proceedings (Protection of Publication) Repealing Ordinance,1975; The Parliamentary Proceedings (Protection of Publication) Act,1956; Prevention of Publication of Objectionable Matter Ordinance,1975; Vidya Charan Shukla; Lok Sabha