Archives of Contemporary India

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NDJ S/W by him No.1
II. Miscellaneous Writings by Him, 1983-1994
Research papers: �Legislation for Biosphere Reserves, The Indian Experience� presented at UNESCO Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme, First International Biosphere Reserve Congress organized by UNESCO and UNEP in cooperation with FAO & IUCN at the invitation of the USSR; �Destruction of Water Resources- The Most Critical Ecological Crisis of East Asia� at 16th Session of the Central Assembly of IUCN and 16th IUCN Technical Meeting; �Ecology and Human Rights�at International Symposium on Human Rights, Waseda University, Tokyo; �Destructive Dams and Deforestation� at Panel Discussion on Environmental Issues: Indian Concerns, Economic Affairs of the IIC, Delhi; and �Wildlife, Protected Areas and Environmental Conservation in India: What it takes to make the system work� at World Congress on National Parks and Protected Areas.
Biosphere Reserve Congress; Ecological Crisis of East Asia; Ecology and Human Rights; Destructive Dams; World Congress on National Parks
95 pp.
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NDJ S/W by him No.2
II. Miscellaneous Writings by Him, 1983-1994
Writings on environment and industries, ecologically sustainable development, biosphere reserves and national parks. Includes: Review of �Management of National Parks and Sanctuaries in India: A Status Report� and �Floods, Flood Plains & Environmental Myths� (The Third Citizens Report on the State of India�s Environment) and a note titled �Key issues for Ecologically Sustainable Development�. There is also draft of articles titled �Environment, Development, Industries and India�, �Development or Destruction? - Some Environmental Perspectives� and �The Indian Experience in Developing Concepts and Legislation for Biosphere Reserves�, and a press clipping titled �Monoculture menace in Uttaranchal�.
Ecologically Sustainable Development; Biospehere Reserves; Monoculture menace; Environment and Industries
41 pp.
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NDJ S/W by him No.3
II. Miscellaneous Writings by Him, 1983-1994
January 1994
�Sustaining India�s Ecological Heritage� - an essay published in the booklet India�s Ecological Heritage & Sustainable Development.
Ecological Heritage; Sustainability; Sustainable Development
14 pp.
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NDJ S/W by him No.4
II. Miscellaneous Writings by Him, 1983-1994
An essay titled �Wildlife Protection & Environmental Conservation�.
Wildlife Protection; Wildlife Park and Sanctuaries; Environmental Conservation
18 pp.
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NDJ S/W by him No.5
II. Miscellaneous Writings by Him, 1983-1994
Writings on Himalayas. Includes articles titled �Management of Natural Resources of Himalayan and Other Mountain Ecosystems�, �Himalaya - Our Fragile Heritage�, �Sustaining India�s Ecological Heritage� and �Himalayan disasters: �Environmentalism� against ecology �experts� against people�. Also, a note titled �Review of Forest Working Policy in the Himalaya by Multidisciplinary Scientific Team and Moratorium on Commercial Exploitation�.
Himalayan Ecosystems; Fragile Heritage; Forest Working Policy in Himalaya; Commercial Exploitation
40 pp.
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