Writings related to environment and ecology. The file contains articles on pesticides, termites and their effect on the fertility status of soil, global warming, natural environment, conservation, climate change, greenhouse effect and rise in the sea level, migratory birds and reptiles by William Tucker, A.J. Gaston, P.K. Das, Edward O. Wilson, Tom Dunkel, V. Asthana and others
Environment; Ecology; Pesticides; Termites; Fertility status; Soil; Global warming; Conservation; Climate; Greenhouse effect; Migratory birds; Reptiles; William Tucker; A.J. Gaston; P.K. Das; Edward O. Wilson; Tom Dunkel; V. Asthana
Articles on ginseng titled ‘Studies of American Ginseng’ by Shiu Ying Hu, Lily Rudenberg, and Peter Del Tredici and ‘The common Indian ginseng’ by S.S.R. Bennet and M.V. Viswanathan
Ginseng; Shiu Ying Hu; Lily Rudenberg; Peter Del Tredici; S.S.R. Bennet; M.V. Viswanathan; America; India