Archives of Contemporary India

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Subject File 57

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Name of the Collection M.K. Ranjitsinh
Folder/Categories Files Arranged Subject Wise
Sub-folder/Sub-category 2. Wildlife Protected Areas National Parks, Sanctuaries, and Reserves, 1967-2015 (l) Sagarmatha National Park, Silent Valley National Park, Sitanadi National Park, Son Gharial Sanctuary, Sunabeda Sanctuary, Sundarbans National Park
File No. /Acc. No. 57
Abstract Papers relating to the Son Gharial Sanctuary in Madhya Pradesh. Includes emails from K. Raman (Field Director, Sanjay Gandhi Tiger Reserve), and Ravi Chellam to M.K. Ranjitsinh outlining their submission to MOEF regarding ecological flaws required for Son Gharial Sanctuary and NGT Bhopal bench order (dated 23 April 2015), comments on wildlife conservation plan, limestone mining, factors limiting Gharials in Son Gharial Sanctuary, and power plant and industrial units drawing water from Gopad/Son river. Also includes report from Chief Conservator of Forest Sanjay Gandhi Tiger Reserve on issues of concern and threats facing Son Gharial Sanctuary, minutes of the meeting of the Expert Committee headed by M.K. Ranjitsinh held on 8 July 2013 in Bhopal, report of the first meeting of Committee on the conservation planning of Son Gharial Sanctuary, data tables on the number of Gharials and Magar, information and survey for nesting habitat evaluation and staff training programme for conservation of the Chitra indica in Son Gharial Sanctuary by R.K. Sharma, site inspection report for diversion of land for limestone mines, etc.
Author NA
Recipient NA
Keywords Madhya Pradesh; Son Gharial Wildlife Sanctuary; Sanjay Gandhi Tiger Reserve; Sidhi; Mining; Ravi Chellam; Sand; Gharial; Son River; Crocodile; Forest Diversion; EIA; Bhopal; NGT; National Green Tribunal
Start Date “Period From” 00-00-2010
End Date “Period To” 00-00-2015
Item type/Format Original/Printed, Typed
Language English, Hindi
Remarks In 4 parts
Donor M.K. Ranjitsinh
Donation Date 17 February & 14th March, 2018
Custodian Ashoka Archives of Contemporary India, Ashoka University, Sonepat (India)
Right/Copyright Donor