Archives of Contemporary India

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RA Subject File No. 58

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Name of the Collection Rauf Ali
Folder/Categories II. Subject File, 1966 - 2015
Sub-folder/Sub-category A. Childhood and personal, 1966 - 1999
File No. /Acc. No. 58
Abstract Papers related to the Kombei project. Includes work plan for April 1993 and status report for March 1993. Also, includes documents titled �Results of Socio-economic Survey of Siruvattukadu Kombei� 31.03.1993; �Management Plan for Kombei�; and �List of wood and non-wood forest product harvest in Kombei�.
Keywords Kombei project; Siruvattukadu Kombei
Start Date “Period From” Oct-92
End Date “Period To” Apr-93
Extent 9 pp.
Item type/Format Typed/ Printed
Language English
Donor Jayashree Ratnam
Donation Date Sep-17
Custodian Archives of Contemporary India, Ashoka University, Sonipat, Haryana, India
Right/Copyright Heirs of Rauf Ali